Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Kudu klakon

Joe Bunting is a teacher in the write practice in Atlanta. And this is a piece of his words:

The cold truth is that what writing a book does take is ruthless focus.

Deciding to write a book isn’t enough. You have to say no to everything else and actually do it.

The cold truth about writing a book is that it doesn’t take talent, passion, or even a lot of time (although those can help). It takes ruthless focus.

Are You Ready to Commit?

Because if you don’t focus, you will almost certainly get distracted by something easier and more instantly gratifying.

Think about it. If you pray, pray about it. If you need to talk to your family, talk to them.

What you shouldn’t do is talk about it without committing to follow through.

This isn’t a decision to make lightly. It will affect more people than just you.

If you do commit, though, know that this is going to be one of the hardest (and most productive) seasons of your life.

Your Assignment

If you feel like you’re supposed to write a book,begin by writing out your ideas. All of them.

This is your chance to clear your mind and free write all the ideas you have about writing a book. Don’t hold back, just write down every idea you’ve ever had.

Jadi yang diperlukan untuk menulis buku itu yang paling utama adalah fokus. Betul-betul abaikan yang tidak perlu.
Tentukan waktu untuk menulis. Disiplin untuk menulis tiap hari.
Dan perhatikan segala hal yang kita lihat, dengar, rasakan, olah dalam otak kita menjadi sebuah cerita. Catch all ideas.
Catat semua ide yang muncul supaya tidak tercecer, dan bisa kita kembangkan sewaktu-waktu. Jadikan itu sebagai bank ide.

Jadi, saya bisa tegaskan bahwa tulisan di sini adalah niat saya sekaligus support menulis dari Joe Bunting seorang mentor menulis. Harus dari dalam diri, keinginan itu bakal terwujud.

I will have some novels, some kid's story,  and some articles.
And I know this way is so hard but I was decided to be  one of the writer.
So, I am in the long journey right now.

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